Monday, January 3, 2011

Fotos en la calle

Today was really relaxed. Did some design work for the Kansan and went through some photos, finally getting out of the apartment in late afternoon. Maria and I then went to Recoleta for a great free tour from Buenos Aires free tours. I think Recoleta is my favorite neighborhood--I would assume because it looks almost exactly like Paris. Somehow, though, Buenos Aires has its own flavor all on its own. Hard to explain.

Anyway, I want to share some photos from the past few days that are snapshots from the street--just walking around seeing what comes my way. Here's what did.

In our own neighborhood, Almagro.
A common sight of mine. Maria in Microcentro.

Plaza de Mayo has to be one of my favorites in the world.

On Avenida 9 Julio in Microcentro

A demonstration for native South American tribe Qom.

Shadows at the border of Microcentro and San Telmo.

An Almagro restaurant. Parrillas (pronounced par-ee-SHas here in Argentina) are famous around Buenos Aires as beef is a staple. You can get some great steak in the city.

Un viejo in Almagro

Almagro is a mix of old buildings and high-rise apartment complexes.

These Almagro muchachos had a failure experiment to create a hot air balloon out of paper. The paper caught fire (naturally) and burned up before catching flight. Its remnants are still burning behind them.

Verano en la ciudad

This guy was making really interesting mate containers.

We happened to walk in Plaza de Mayo when they were taking down the flag. 

A soldier during the flag ceremony in Plaza de Mayo.

My weird sister in Recoleta.

Buying a bag in a Recoleta street market. This viejo made all these by hand. Even though his espaƱol was a little hard to understand, we found out he actually lived in Los Angeles for a few years before coming back to Buenos Aires.

Hecho de mano

A Puerto Madero sunset.

That'll do it for me today, amigos. Hasta pronto.


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